Telescope : Takahashi E160ed
Camera : ASI ZWO 6200mm Pro
Mount : Software Bisque Paramount MX+
Focal length : 528mm
Fov : 234 x 156 arcmins
Image Scale : 1.47 arcsec/pixel
Observatory : Deep Sky Chile
Filters: SHO with RGB stars
R 24x10s G 24x10s B 24x10s per panel
Sii 60x5m Ha 60x5m Oiii 60x5m per panel
Integration: 30h24m
RA: 10h39m41s
Dec : -59°48′10″
So you want to image some southern sky gems? Well, your first stop has to be the Carina Nebula. The nebula is one of the largest diffused nebula as seen from Earth and although it is four times as large as, and even brighter than the Orion Nebula, the Carina Nebula is much less imaged due to its location in the southern skies. The Eta Carinae Nebula, catalogued as NGC 3372 is a large, complex area of bright and dark nebulosity in the constellation Carina, located in the Carina–Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, lying approximately 8,500 light-years from Earth. Within it lie many open clusters and areas of bright and dark nebulosity and the beautiful Gabriel Mistral Nebula. With a longer focal length than the one used here, many more intricate shapes can be imaged within the Carina Nebula and I hope to return here with a ½ meter telescope soon….
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