IRFCA 2014
The 9th Indian Railways Fan Club Association, IRFCA for short is holding it’s annual convention in the beautiful Nilgiri mountains and in the town of Ooty…..
Switzerland sept 2013
A business trip had come up to Fort Myers in Florida, USofA and i thought what better opportunity than this to do a bit of rail fanning in Switzerland on the way back…….
loco remotor and sound project
One rainy Saturday afternoon my buddy and partner in crime , RDX – Ranjeev Dubey turns up with a HOe narrow gauge diesel loco in tow . He very nonchalantly says that he has totalled the motor in it and now wants to re-motor it . While we are it he also wants to add […]
Amazing train videos
Here is a collection of some crazy train related videos out there on the internet ……
ESU Loksound Locos
Was just reviewing my collection of locos and couldn’t help but wonder how far model railway technology has come …. The new Engineering Edition locomotives from ESU – a german manufacturer – based in Ulm, southern Germany – surely pushes this envelope …..i have not thoroughly tested the loks in real world layout conditions but […]
blog intro
Well , this blog/website has been a while coming and is in fact my second attempt at it , the first having failed miserably!! I was dependent on someone else to do the backscene work for me and that probably spelt doom in the first instance. This time around i managed setup the domain and […]