Telescope : Astro Physics 12″ Riccardi-Honders f3.8
Camera : ZWO ASI6200
Mount: Software Bisque Paramount ME II
Pixel scale : 1.07 arcsec/pixel
FOV : 88 x 66 arcmins
Filters :SHO & RGB for stars
Integration: 26h
Sii 15x30m Ha 14x30m Oiii 14x30m
R 3x10m G 3x10m B 3x10m
RA center: 11h 13′ 18″
DEC center: -61° 16′ 27″
Location : Heaven’s Mirror Observatory
Software: PixInsight & Photoshop
Wikipedia speak – NGC 3576 is a bright emission nebula in the Sagittarius arm of the galaxy a few thousand light-years away from the Eta Carinae nebula. It is also approximately 100 light years across and 9000 light-years away from Earth. This nebula even received six different classification numbers. Currently, astronomers call the entire nebula NGC 3576. A popular nickname is “The Statue of Liberty Nebula” because of the distinctive shape in the middle of the nebula. Discovered by John Frederick William Herschel on 16 March 1834. The name was first suggested in 2009 by Dr. Steve Mazlin, a member of Star Shadows Remote Observatory (SSRO). Within the nebula, episodes of star formation are thought to contribute to the complex and suggestive shapes. Powerful winds from the nebula’s embedded, young, massive stars shape the looping filaments.